Known as a Brand Consultant, author, and Mind Programmer who shares about the power of mind as an ellan vital.
Had been a lecturer for two years, this man then entered the world of journalism and joined a media group of which 90 percent were women (Femina Group) and then to MRA Group. His careers in journalism included Managing Editor of Dewi magazine, Editor at Large of Hello! Indonesia, Editor at Large for Fitness For Men magazine, and editor-in-chief of Esquire Indonesia magazine.
Dwi Sutarjantono is also known as a lifestyle observer, and jury for various lifestyle events including being a judge at the Khatulistiwa Award etc, some fashion festivals such as Jakarta Fashion Food Festival, Surabaya Fashion Parade etc.
As a Brand Consultant, he was a consultant for several brands from creating the opening/launching, making press conference, and creating marketing platform etc to bring profits for the brand such as SAMKIM (Beauty product- Korea, AWKitchen (Japanese restaurant), Yogiswara Prajanti (fashion designer) etc . He was also an UMKM Consultant for fashion and other products certified by BNSP (National Certification Council), being Chief of Mission (Curator) UMKM for fashion and accessories for DKI Jakarta to the Moscow-Indonesia Festival in 2019, and became Chief of Mission of the fashion and accessories competition for Young Designers to international competition in Paris for 10 consecutive years and others.
He became a speaker/motivator at various local, national, international events, including Keynote Speaker at the UGM International Humanities and Media Symposium, Keynote Speaker at Hearst International (New York) etc, and was invited as a speaker in internal training events in several institutions such as the Secretariat of the MPR/DPR, BINUS, BNI, BRI, IKEA, BP2MI (Themes: Personal Branding, Mindset, Leadership, NLP, Media Maping, Lifestyle) etc.
As the member of Boards Advisor of the Indonesian chapter of the international women’s organization IWFCI (International Woman Federation of Commerce and Industry), he is quite often asked to talk about the world of women especially from man point of view.
Together with several journalists, he joined the Wayang Journalis group, writing scripts and director for several performances for internal companies. He is the Casting Director for Koper (movie by Richard Oh).
His hobby of painting took him to several painting exhibitions and in 2016 held a solo exhibition The Colors of Love at Artotel Jakarta.
For writing, his books include the Short Story Collection of Semua Orang Pandai Mencuri (with Eka Kurniawan, Sena Gumira, Agus Noor), Cerita Sahabat II (Alberthiene Endah & friends) and his book Moelning Smile was selected as the 5 Best Book for Humor Category in 2015. He has also written biographies such as 10 Prinsip Kepemimpinan Jenderal Moeldoko, Capt. Julius Kendenan: Anak Gunung Penakluk Samudera, Bully Aja, I Don’t Care (with Singaporean Motivator James Gwee and an ADHD boy Brandon).
His latest book Sembuhkan Diri Sendiri was appreciated by several prominent figures such as Ibu Mien Uno, as well as several other celebrities.